Friday, January 14, 2011

Jelenia Gora 2

On Monday we drove up to Szklarska Poreba, which is a mountain tourist hot spot very close to Jelenia Gora (where we live). It had been snowing really hard that night and when we got up there, the roads hadn’t been plowed and there was snow absolutely everywhere! We tried stopping but there was no where to park the car in the town! My cousin wanted to show me a waterfall though so we “parked” the car and went for a short walk.

Let's go for a drive

Great, oncoming traffic

There was a sign which said you weren’t allowed to go through, and we thought it was because of the snow and bad weather. After walking for ages, we got to the bridge and realised it was because a tree had fallen and broken the bridge. Back we trudged.

Walking through fresh snow is like walking through sand. If the temperature goes above zero, the snow melts and then at night time (when the temperature usually goes below zero again), the water freezes and turns into ice. Then you have slippery roads and footpaths because you are literally walking on ice! I have decided that I rather below zero because everything stays the same whereas above zero and it turns into mud and puddles everywhere.

Anyway, I met my Dad’s half brother who is called Andrew Werchowiecki! Just like my brother! Exciting for me because there just aren’t that many Werchowiecki’s around. I also went to aerobics with my cousin which was an hour of situps and leg presses etc and I wouldn’t be surprised if the instructor got her matieral from the latest Cosmo magazine. Still fun though!

PS. I forgot to tell this funny story from my travels around Poland at an Auntie’s house in the morning –

Me: “I will have yoghurt for breakfast.”

Auntie (said with pure horror): “But we only have cold yoghurt, it’s been in the fridge all night!!!”

Me: “That will be okay…”

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